Wednesday, April 2, 2014

how to reduce black heads

A lot of people both boys and girls, men and women have struggled with blackheads at one point or the other in their life and we have to admit that they are not a pretty sight.
All that dirt, oil and sebum that collects and sticks to the pores and hardens, creates blackheads. For most people the blackheads are on the chin, forehead and nose. That's the 'T' zone, that is the oily zone for most people. If regular washing and simple exfoliating is not working, try this simple easy way to get rid of nasty blackheads. Follow these steps:
1. First, you will have to remove the dead skin that is keeping the blackheads trapped in the pores. For that, you have to wash your face with an exfoliating face cleaner or face scrub and make circular motions putting pressure on the affected areas the most.
2. Steam your face... Put some water in a pot and bring it to a boil. Take it down and put your face over the steam and be careful not to spill the hot water on yourself. Steam for 10 minutes with a towel over your head to keep the steam in. This will help loosen the blackheads making them easier to remove.
3. Make a mix of 4 tbs of baking soda with 1 cup mineral water. Apply the paste on your face and leave it for 10 minutes. The backing soda will draw all the impurities and bacteria out. Rinse with warm water.
Very important!!!
1. Pay attention not to squeeze blackheads, because this can produce deeper, painful sores, and can sometimes turn into open pores.
2. Do not use your fingernails to pick at blackheads as bacteria from your nails can give u an infection.
3. After a steam and backing soda treatment pat your face down with ice cold rose water or the toner that's meant for your skin type.
4. Always use a good face pack to close the open pores.

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